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Secretary Eastern Region

 15th November 2024
Please Be aware the Scammers are inn action again regarding Sainsbury's Shares. I have had a few phone calls from our members recently saying they had a phone call asking to buy the shares they held. Its a scam. just put the phone down. If you are wanting to sell or transfer your shares the number is 02076954018. Read more

Using your veterans discount card

 23rd October 2024
We want you to enjoy using your veteran discount card benefit, and although there is no limit to how often you can use your discount, it’s important that you are using the card in the right way. Here’s a couple of the key rules to remember when using your discount. Key Rules • Your discount card is to be used by you or your spouse/ partner only, and must be signed by both of you on the reverse of the card - as the recipient of the benefit, you're accountable for the actions of your spouse or partner when they're shopping with your discount card • If you do not have a spouse or partner, you should sign both signature boxes on the reverse of the card • It 's important when using your veteran discount card that you're using your own payment card/ cash for the items you are purchasing • You can buy food or drink to entertain others, using your own payment card/ cash, as long as you are the host, and you're not receiving any reimbursement for goods you have purchased • You can buy items to give as gifts, using your own payment card/ cash, as long as you're not receiving any reimbursement. If any misuse of the discount is found, the benefit could be withdrawn from you. A full set of scheme rules can be found in the Tell Me More section of this website. It's important to read through and understand each of these rules to make the most out of using your veteran discount. Read more

Important magazine information

 08th February 2024
It’s recently been brought to our attention that some of our Veterans have not been receiving a copy of The News when they were expecting one and we’ve found that this is due to us not having their updated addresses on our records or that they have not opted in to receive this. If you are one of those affected, please get in touch with the Veteran Support team either by emailing veteransupport@sainsburys.co.uk, calling 0161 605 6520 or clicking the link above titled ‘contact us’ so that we can get this fixed for you. Please also be aware that you can access all copies of The News digitally on this website by heading to the home page and clicking the link on there. We also now only publish The News three times per year (April, August and December). Read more

New healthcare benefit.

 20th December 2023
We are delighted to confirm that from the 1st January 2024, you are now eligible to sign up and purchase a Simplyhealth Cash Plan, a benefit we offer current colleagues and are now extending to Veterans. The Simplyhealth Plan allows you to claim money back towards your everyday healthcare treatments, such as optical, dental, therapies, health assessments, hearing aids, and much more. Plus, you get access to a 24/7 Virtual GP Service, and a 24/7 Advice and Counselling Line. This is a bespoke benefit, designed and priced specifically for Sainsbury’s Veterans, offering affordable access to healthcare when you need it the most. To sign up or find out more, please phone Simplyhealth’s dedicated telesales team on 0330 1025383. You will need to advise that you would like to join the Sainsbury’s Veteran Scheme, and quote the unique joining code: 1869 Simplyhealth look forward to having you on board soon! Read more

Improved colleague discount

 15th November 2023
Improved colleague discount • For veterans and existing colleagues in Scotland and Wales, from Wednesday 15th November, colleague discount at Sainsbury’s will apply to eligible BWS lines – just like it is in England and Northern Ireland. • The discount will apply to around 85% of beers and wines at Sainsbury’s. We cannot apply the discount to all lines as there are regional differences in minimum unit pricing for alcohol which still apply. Broadly speaking, lines excluded will tend to be the lowest priced wines and beers. Read more

Veteran discount eligibility

 20th June 2023
We are pleased to announce that we have now changed the veteran discount eligibility rules so that all veterans that are eligible for Sainsbury’s discount will also be eligible for Argos discount instore and online. I am sure you will agree this is fantastic news and means an additional c.13,000 JS veterans will benefit from 10% discount at Argos. Over the summer, we will be writing to all JS veterans that left the business prior to 1st December 2016 with instructions on how to set up their Argos online account. In the meantime, you can start shopping straight away instore with your veteran discount card and for online purchases, follow the set-up details below: •If you are registering for the first time, please create an Argos.co.uk account. •Once you have an Argos account, complete the detail in this link so the veterans support team can set up your discount: https://help.sainsburys.co.uk/veteranscolleaguediscount •After you have received an email confirmation that your account has been linked, you will need to use the code ‘VETERAN’ when checking out on Argos.co.uk and Tu.co.uk. Setting up the discount is a manual process and the veterans support team will work as quickly as they can to give veterans access however please be aware that you will not receive your Argos/Tu discount until you have received your confirmation email. If you have any questions or need any support, please contact veteran.support@sainsburys.co.uk Read more

Get in Touch - Sainsbury’s Pension Scheme Members

 29th June 2021
Do you know a former colleague you worked with who might be a member of the closed Sainsbury’s Pension Scheme but hasn’t heard from us for over a year? If you do, please ask them to contact the administrators, Willis Towers Watson so that we can keep in touch with them about their benefits. Ask them to email SainsburysPensions@willistowerswatson.com, or write to Sainsbury’s Pension Team, Willis Towers Watson, PO Box 545, Redhill, Surrey RH1 1YX stating their Month of Birth, Post Code and Last 4 characters of their National Insurance Number. Thank you Read more